Friday, December 17, 2010


SNo Discovery / Invention Year Discoverer / Inventor Country
1 Adrenaline 1894 Schafer and Oliver Britain
2 Anesthesia, Local 1885 Koller Austria
3 Anesthesia, Spinal 1898 Bier Germany
4 Anti-toxins (Science of Immunity) 1890 Behring and Kitasato Germany, Japan
5 Aspirin 1889 Dreser Germany
6 Ayurveda 2000-1000 BC
7 Bacteria 1683 Leeuwenhock Netherlands
8 Bacteriology 1872 Ferdinand Cohn Germany
9 Biochemistry 1648 Jan Baptista Van Helmont Belgium
10 Blood Plasma storage (Blood bank) 1940 Drew U.S.A
11 Blood Transfusion 1625 Jean-Baptiste Denys France
12 Cardiac Pacemaker 1932 A.S Hyman U.S.A
13 CAT Scanner 1968 Godfrey Hounsfield Britain
14 Chemotherapy 1493-1541 Paracelsus Switzerland
15 Chloroform as anaesthetic 1847 James Simpson Britain
16 Chloromycetin 1947 Burkholder U.S.A
17 Cholera T.B germs 1877 Robert Koch Germany
18 Circulation of blood 1628 William Harvey Britain
19 Cryo-Surgery 1953 Henry Swan U.S.A
20 Diphtheria germs 1883-84 Klebs and Loffler Germany
21 Electro-Cardiograph 1903 Willem Einthoven Netherlands
22 Electro-encephalogram 1929 Hand Berger Germany
23 Embryology 1792-1896 Kari Ernest Van Baer Estonia
24 Endocrinology 1902 Bayliss and Starling Britain
25 First Test Tube Baby 1978 Steptoe and Edwards Britain
26 Gene Therapy on humans 1980 Martin Clive U.S.A
27 Genes associated with cancer 1982 Robert Weinberg and others U.S.A
28 Heart Transplant Surgery 1967 Christian Barnard S. Africa
29 Histology 1771-1802 Marie Bichat France
30 Hypodermic syringe 1853 Alexander wood Britain
31 Kidney Machine 1944 Kolf Netherlands
32 Leprosy Bacillus 1873 Hansen Norway
33 LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) 1943 Hoffman Switzerland
34 Malaria Germs 1880 Laveran France
35 Morphine 1805 Friderich Sertumer Germany
36 Neurology 1758-1828 Franz Joseph Gall Germany
37 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 1971 Raymond Damadian U.S.A
38 Open Heart Surgery 1953 Walton Lillehel U.S.A
39 Oral Contraceptive Pills 1955 Gregory Pincus, Rock U.S.A
40 Penicillin 1928 Alexander Fleming Britain
41 Physiology 1757-66 Albrecht Von Haller Switzerland
42 Positron emission Tomography 1978 Louis Sokoloff U.S.A
43 Rabies Vaccine 1860 Louis Pasteur France
44 Recombinant-DNA technology 1972-73 Paul Berg, H.W. Boyer,S Cohen U.S.A
45 Reserpine 1949 Jal Vakil India
46 Rh-factor 1940 Karl Landsteiner U.S.A
47 Serology 1884-1915 Paul Ehrlich Germany
48 Sex hormones 1910 Eugen Steinach Australia
49 Small Pox eradicated 1980 W.H.O Declaration UN
50 Stethoscope 1819 Rene Laennec France
51 Streptomycin 1944 Selman Waksmann U.S.A
52 Synthetic Antigens 1917 Landsteiner U.S.A
53 Terramycin 1950 Finlay and Others U.S.A
54 Thyroxin 1919 Edward Calvin-Kendall U.S.A
55 Typhus Vaccine 1909 J. Nicolle France
56 Vaccination 1796 Edward Jenner Britain
57 Vaccine, Measles 1963 Enders U.S.A
58 Vaccine, Meningitis 1987 Gardon, et al. Connaught Lab U.S.A
59 Vaccine, Polio 1954 Jonas Salk U.S.A
60 Vaccine, Polio-orai 1960 Albert Sabin U.S.A
61 Vaccine, Rabies 1885 Louis Pasteur France
62 Vaccine, Smallpox 1776 Jenner Britain
63 Virology 1892 Ivanovski and Bajernick USSR, Netherlands
64 Vitamin A 1913 Mc Collum and M. Davis U.S.A
65 Vitamin B1 1936 Minot and Murphy U.S.A
66 Vitamin C 1919 Froelich Holst Norway
67 Vitamin D 1925 Mc Collum U.S.A
68 Vitamin K 1938 Doisy Dam U.S.A
69 Western Scientific Therapy 460-370 BC Hippocrates Greece
70 Yoga 200-100 BC Patanjali India

Science Question Answers – Part 2

26. Question: Why does a thermometer kept in boiling water show no change in reading after 1000C?
Answer: The boiling point of water is 1000C. Once water starts boiling at this temperature, thermometer records no change in temperature. The quantity of heat supplied is being utilized as latent heat of evaporation to convert the water at boiling point into vapour.
27. Question: Why do we bring our hands close to the mouth while shouting across to someone far away?
Answer: By keeping hands close to mouth the sound is not allowed to spread (Phenomenon of diffraction of sound) in all direction, but is directed to a particular direction and becomes louder.
28. Question: Why does a corked bottle filled with water burst if left out on a frosty night?
Answer: Because of low temperature the water inside the bottle freezes. On freezing it expands, thereby its volume increases and pressure is exerted on the walls.
29. Question: Why is a small gap left at the joint between two rails?
Answer: To permit expansion of rails due to heat generated by friction of a moving train.
30. Question: Why cannot a copper wire be used to make elements in electric heater?
Answer: Copper melts at 108.30C and forms a black powder on reacting with atmospheric oxygen. For heater elements a metal should have more resistance to produce heat.
31. Question: Why are water or mercury droplets always round when dropped on a clean glass?
Answer: The surface of a liquid is the seat of a special force as a result of which molecules on the surface are bound together to form something like a stretched membrane. They tend to compress the molecules below to the smallest possible volume, which causes the drop to take a round shape as for a given mass he sphere has minimum volume.
32. Question: Why does a balloon filled with hydrogen rise in the air?
Answer: Weight of hydrogen is less than the weight of air displaced by it. In balloons hydrogen is normally filled because it is lighter than air.
33. Question: Why do we lean forward while climbing a hill?
Answer: In order to keeps the vertical line passing through our centre of gravity always between our feet, which is essential to attain equilibrium or stability.
34. Question: Why does smoke curl up in the air?
Answer: Smoke contains hot gases which being lighter in weight, follows a curved path because of the eddy currents that are set up in the air.
35. Question: Why does an electric bulb explode when it is broken?
Answer: The bulb encompasses partial vacuum and as it breaks, air rushes in causing a small explosion.
36. Question: Why does a man fall forward when he jumps out of a running train or bus?
Answer: He is in motion while in the train or bus. When he jumps out, his feet comes to rest while touching the ground but his upper portion which is still in motion propels him forward.
37. Question: Why does an ordinary glass tumbler crack when very hot tea or milk is poured in it?
Answer: When a hot liquid is poured into a tumbler, the inner layer of the tumbler gets heated, it expands before the outer layer and an unequal expansion of both layers causes the tumbler to crack.

38. Question: Why is a compass used as an indicator of direction?
Answer: The magnetic needles of a compass under the influence f the earth?s magnetic field lie in a north-south direction. Hence, we can identify direction.
39. Question: Why is water from a hand pump warm in winter and cold in summer?
Answer: In winter, the outside temperature is lower than that of water flowing out of the pump, and therefore, the water is warm. Whereas in summer, the outside temperature is higher than the water of the pump, and therefore, it feels cold.
41. Question: Why is a rainbow seen after a shower?
Answer: After a shower, the clouds containing water droplets act like a prism through which the white light is dispersed producing a spectrum.
42. Question: Why does a swimming pool appear less deep than is actually is?
Answer: The rays of light coming from the bottom of the pool pass from a denser medium (water) to a rarer medium (air) and are refracted (bend away from the normal). When the rays return to the surface, they form an image of the bottom of the pool at a point, which is little above the real position.
43. Question: Why is one?s breath visible in winter but not in summer?
Answer: In winter, water vapor contained in the breath condenses into small droplets, which become visible but in summer they are quickly evaporated and not seen.
44. Question: Why doesn?t the electric filament in an electric bulb burn up?
Answer: Firstly, because is made of tungsten which has a very high melting point (34100C) whereas the temperature of the filament required to glow is only 2700oC. Secondly, oxygen is absent since the bulb is filled with an inert gas which does not help in burning.
45. Question: Why does blotting paper absorb ink?
Answer: Blotting paper has fine pores, which act like capillaries. When a portion of blotting paper is brought in contact with ink, ink enters the pores due to surface tension (capillary action f liquids) and is absorbed.
46. Question: Why does a small iron sink in water but a large ship float?
Answer: The weight of water displaced by an iron ball is less than its own weight, whereas water displaced by the immersed portion of a ship is equal to its weight (Archimedes? Principle).
47. Question: Why does ice float on water?
Answer: The weight of the ice block is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed portion of the ice.
48. Question: Why does moisture gather outside a tumbler containing cold water?
Answer: The water vapour in the air condenses on cooling and appears as droplets of water.
49. Question: Why does kerosene float on water?
Answer: Because the density of kerosene is less than that of water. For the same reason cream rises in milk and floats at the top.
50. Question: Why is the water in an open pond cool even on a hot summer day?
Answer: As the water evaporates from the open surface of a pond, heat is taken away in the process, leaving the surface cool.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Important Current Relevant Facts – Current Affairs

  • The leader of South Africa’s African National Congress, Jacob Zuma, has been officially elected on 6 May 2009 the country’s president by members of parliament. The ANC won the general election in South Africa. Jacob Zuma was fired as vice-president after being implicated in a graft scandal. The charges were dropped just before last month’s election – amid evidence of government meddling in pursuing the case. In February 2006, the controversial polygamist was acquitted of rape in a separate case, though he was widely criticised for his comments about sex and HIV/Aids.
  • A group of Nepalese political parties has agreed to form a “national government” a day after Maoist Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal resigned on 5 May 2009. After a meeting in Kathmandu, members of the Communist UML party agreed to head the government. Mr Dahal, best known as Prachanda, resigned after the president opposed his decision to sack the army chief. The Maoists boycotted the all-party meeting.
  • Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi was convicted of spying and sentenced to 8 years in prison on April 18,2009. 31-year-old dual American-Iranian citizen was arrested in January 2009 and initially accused of working without press credentials. A freelance journalist Roxana Saberi was reporting for National Public Radio and other media. She had been living in Iran for six years.
  • Jatiya Party leader and former President Gen H M Ershad was cleared of 1982 ‘powergrab’ charges on March 30,2009. He was sued for usurping state power, suspension of the constitution and declaration of martial law in Bangladesh on Mar 24, 1982. Inu, now an MP as part of the same AL-led electoral alliance as Ershad’s Jatiya Party, sued the former general for his takeover of state power. The CID final report was submitted to a Dhaka Metropolitan magistrate’s court on Jan 30. Inu was asked to appear in the court to respond to the police report but did not. The court accepted the report and cleared Ershad. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Supreme National Security Council Secretary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr Saeed Jalili, visited India on 28th March 2009. This visit was in keeping with the tradition of high level exchanges between the two countries. The two sides conducted a strategic review of India Iran relations and prospects for their further expansion. Their wide ranging discussions also covered regional and international issues including terrorism, the situation in Afghanistan and energy security.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • The name of the sleek aircraft inducted by the IAF for flying VVIPs is Rajdoot. It was rolled out from the tarmac of the Palam airport on April 1,2009. The aircraft with the first citizen of the country onboard took its maiden flight to Assam without a glitch and the exclusive passengers enjoyed its style and comfort.
  • Former Cabinet Secretary Naresh Chandra was appointed chairman of the advisory board of Price Waterhouse India on April 22,2009. Price Waterhouse India (PW) recently set up an advisory board, which was expected to help the audit company reflect on the voice of external stakeholders in its strategic decision making.
  • Former Comptroller and Auditor General of India V K Shunglu and former Chief Election Commissioner BB Tandon are other eminent members, who were inducted to the board.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Indian-American Sonal Shah was appointed head of the new Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the Obama administration. Sonal Shah, a India Abroad Person of the Year in 2003 and co-founder of India Corps was a member of the Obama transition project’s advisory board and co-chairperson of a transition group that made recommendations about technology and innovation, including innovation and civil society.
  • Advocate Anjali Waghmare was removed on grounds of professional misconduct as Mohammad Ajmal Kasab’s lawyer. Allegedly she had first accepted brief of a witness in this case before deciding to defend Kasab. She was earlier on March 30,2009 appointed by the court to represent Kasab, the long surviving terrorist captured by police for the attacks that took place on November 26, 2008.
  • Fiji’s President Ratu Josefa Iloilo abolished the constitution, assumed all governing power and revoked all judicial appointments on April 10,2009 following the country’s second-highest court ruled that armed forces chief Commodore Frank Bainimarama’s government that took power after a 2006 coup was illegal. Fiji’s military commander and Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama relinquished the prime minister’s post but later he was sworn in again as Fiji’s Prime Minister as the head of the interim government.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • A sedition case was registered against MDMK general secretary V. Gopalsamy known as Vaiko by the Chennai City police on April 9,2009. He warned in a speech that India would not remain one country if the war against the LTTE in Sri Lanka was not stopped.
  • The case was registered under 13 (1) b of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2004 (advocating, abetting, advising or inciting the commission of any unlawful activity) and also under Section 124 -A and Section 505 (1) (b) of the Indian Penal Code. Section 124-A relates to sedition (attempting to bring into hatred or contempt or exciting or attempting to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in India).
  • Former President of Peru Alberto Fujimori was convicted of human rights crimes and sentenced to 25 years in prison on April 7,2009. A three-judge panel convicted him of ordering a military death squad to carry out two massacres that killed 25 people during his 1990-2000 rule, when he was battling communist guerrillas. Later, he appealed to Peru’s Supreme Court to overturn his 25-year prison sentence. A corruption scandal involving his spy chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, sank his government in 2000. Fujimori fled to exile in Japan. He was later arrested in Chile and extradited to Peru, where he often snoozed through testimony and took off his socks. First time a democratically elected Latin American president has been found guilty in his own country of such offenses. Other Latin American rulers faced trials over human rights crimes before Fujimori were military dictators or prosecuted outside their home countries. Alberto Fujimori was 45th President of Peru and he was in office from July 28, 1990 to November 22, 2000.
  • According to Sri Lankan Defence Ministry, the head of the intelligence wing of the LTTE, Pottu Amman took overall command of the outfit due to fast deteriorating mental health condition of Velupillai Prabakaran. Pottu Amman has not battlefield experience, so he appointed Velawan, the last of LTTE’s battle-hardened cadre, as the LTTE’s new military chief.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • According to the overall ranking, compiled by the Wall Street Journal, Mobile phone maker Motorola’s India-born chief Sanjay Jha became America’s top paid CEO. Citigroup’s Vikram Pandit tops the league among bailed out bank. Another Indian on the list is PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi at the 36th slot with a pay package of 13.98 million dollar. Jha is the only CEO to get a compensation package exceeding 100 million dollar, with Occidental’s Ray Irani at a distant second with 49.9 million dollar. Irani is followed by Walt Disney’s Robert Iger third rank.
  • Advocate S G Abbas Kazmi was appointed by court as the lawyer of Mohammed Amir Ajmal Qasab, the lone surviving gunman in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. He replaced Anjali Waghmare, who was removed by court. Another lawyer to defend Qasab is KP Pawar, who was appointed with Anjali Waghmare. The 54-year-old S G Abbas Kazmi had defended 25 to 30 accused in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts case and 3 accused in the Gulshan Kumar murder case who were ultimately acquitted by the court. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • A native of Tamil Nadu and 1973 batch IAS officer of the Andhra Pradesh cadre, Veeravalli Sundaram Sampath took over as the third election commissioner following the elevation of Navin B. Chawla as Chief Election Commissioner on April 21,2009. V S Sampath was Union Power Secretary prior to his elevation as the election commissioner in the Election Commission of India. Navin B. Chawla succeeded N Gopalaswami as the new Chief Election Commissioner of India.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen selected as the new NATO Secretary-General on April 4. Later on he resigned as Denmark’s prime minister on April 5,2009. NATO leaders agreed unanimously to appoint him as the next head of the 28-member alliance after US President Barack Obama convinced Turkey to drop its objections in NATO summit held at Strasbourg and Kehl. Rasmussen will succeed Jaap de Hoop Scheffer of the Netherlands, who steps down at the end of July 2009.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Shikha Sharma was appointed Managing Director and Chief Exicutive Officer of Axis Bank on April 20,2009. She was working as chief of the ICICI group’s life insurance business.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • An Indian Foreign Service officer of the 1969 batch Nirupam Sen was appointed Special Senior Advisor to the President Miguel D Escoto Brockmann of the 192-member UN General Assembly on world financial and economic crisis. After retirement as Indian Ambassador to UN on March 31,2009 Nirupam Sen had been made India’s high commissioner to Sri Lanka.
  • Virginia’s secretary of technology Aneesh Chopra was appointed as the Chief Technology Officer in Obama Administration. He included in a three-man team formed by U.S. President Barack Obama to help break Washington’s ‘bad habits’ of wasteful spending and move recession-hit America from recovery to prosperity.
  • She was appointed country head and group general manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) India on April 15. Famous woman banker Naina Lal Kidwai had been with HSBC as CEO and deputy CEO for the last five years. Padma Shri awardee Naina Lal Kidwai is the first Indian woman to graduate from the Harvard Business School. She was listed the World’s Top 50 Corporate Women from 2000 to 2003 by Fortune magazine.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Indian American star of Mira Nair’s ‘The Namesake’, Kal Penn joined the White House staff as an associate director in the Office of Public Liaison. Born to Indian immigrant parents from Gujarat, the 31-year-old actor Kalpen Suresh Modi had a recurring role on Fox’s popular TV show ‘House’ will play a new role connect Obama with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities, as well as arts groups.
  • According to recently released International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2009 by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (Unido), the share of developing countries in the world’s manufacturing value-added output has almost doubled in the last 18 years due to the shift of production units and outsourcing of services from developed nations. Developing countries produced almost 30% of world manufacturing value added (MVA) at the end of 2008 as compared to 16% in 1990. The per capita MVA doubled as early as 2006, while the industrialised world achieved merely 30% increase. Among industrialised countries, Japan accounts for most MVA per capita, followed by Switzerland, Singapore, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, USA, Germany and Austria. Luxemburg, Republic of Korea, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Belgium, United Kingdom, Norway, Netherlands, Italy and France come lower down the list. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • For India, the growth rate of MVA output rose from 6.9% in 2000-2005 to 12.3% in 2005-2007. The MVA per capita grew 10.6 % in 2005-2007 compared to 5.2% in 2000-2005. The share of MVA in India’s gross domestic product (GDP) stood at 14.8% in 2006 compared to 13.8% in 2001. Manufacturing still contributes around 15% of GDP in India. International Yearbook 2009 ranks India among the world’s leading 12 producers of textiles (ranked 4th after China, the U.S. and Italy); electrical machinery and apparatus (5th); basic metals (6th); chemicals and chemical products (7th); leather, leather products and footwear (10th); coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel (10th); machinery and equipment (12th); and motor vehicles (12th), based on 2007 figures. Among the leading developing countries, India figures among the top five.
  • Mughal Trust was set up on April 6,2009 to find and then help the families of the Mughal lines of descent. The Trust is brainchild of businessman Mohd Shahid Khan. The trust will also create pressure on the government to bring back the remains of Bahadur Shah Zafar from Myanmar.
  • India successfully test-fired an improved version of nuclear-capable ‘Prithvi-II’ ballistic missile from a Tatra transporter erector launcher from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, about 15 km from Balasore, off the Orissa coast on April 15,2009. The indigenously developed surface-to-surface ‘Prithvi-II’ missile’s range is 350 km. The 8.56 meter-long and one meter wide twin engine missile features to deceive any anti ballistic missile and is equipped with “added inertial navigation” system. The missile is designed to operate with both liquid as well as solid fuel. It can carry conventional or nuclear pay loads of 500 kg.
  • N. Gopalaswami retired from the post of Chief Election Commissioner of India on March 20,2009. A 1966 batch IAS officer of Gujarat cadre, N. Gopalaswami was appointed as Election Commissioner in January 2004. Later on June 30 2006, he succeeded B. B. Tandon as Chief Election Commissioner of India.
  • Home minister of Canada’s British Columbia province, John van Dongen resigned on April 27,2009 after he was caught and fined for over-speeding. He was also fined 368 US dollar for his offence.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Leading film producer and director Shakti Samant passed away on April 9,2009 in Santacruz. He was 83. Shakti Samant launched the career of Sharmila Tagore with film, ‘Kashmir Ki Kali’ and directed films like Kashmir Ki Kali, Aradhana, An Evening in Paris, Amanush, Amar Prem, Anurodh,Anuraag, Ajnabee and Kati Patang. He directed Rajesh Khanna in films like Aradhana, Kati Patang, Amar Prem and Anuraag. Shakti Samant started his career with the cinema from the black and white era with Howrah Bridge.
  • Noted Hindi writer and Gandhian Vishnu Prabhakar died on April 11,2009 in New Delhi. He was 97. He wrote in almost all forms of prose-story, novels, plays, biography etc. Born on January 29, 1912, in the Mirapur village of Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh, Dr Prabhakar was best known for his engaging biography of Bengali litterateur Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, ‘Awara Maseeha’. His first play was ‘Hatya ke Baad’. His body of works included ‘Dhalti Raat’ and ‘Swapnamayi’ (novel), ‘Navprabhat’ an ‘Doctor” (drama), ‘Sangharsh ke Baad’ (short stories), ‘Prakash Aur Parchhaiyan’, ‘Barah Ekanki’ and ‘Ashok’ (plays) and ‘Awara Maseeha’ (biography). He had over 50 published works to his credit.
  • He was awarded Padma Bhushan and the Sahitya Akademi Award for his novel Ardhanarishvara (The Androgynous God or Shiva). Dr Prabhakar had decided to donate his body organs in his will so his body was donated to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
  • Bollywood actor-producer-director famous as style icon Feroz Khan passed away on April 27,2009 at his farmhouse in Bangalore after a prolonged battle with cancer. He was 69. Famous for his blockbusters like ‘Qurbani’ and ‘Dharmatma’, Feroz Khan appeared in more than 50 films. He made his Bollywood debut as the co-star in the movie Didi in 1960 and went on to star in a number of films in the 1970s and 1980s. The last film he acted in was Welcome in 2007. He won a Filmfare award for best supporting role in ‘Aadmi Aur Insaan’ in 1970 and was honoured with the lifetime achievement award in 2000. He was elder brother of actor-producer-director Sanjay Khan and father of Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan.
  • Veteran economist Raja Jesudoss Chelliah died in Chennai on April 7,2009. He was 86. He was chairman of the Tax Reforms Committee and worked as Fiscal Adviser in the Union Finance Ministry. Padma Vibhushan awardee, founding Chairman of the Madras School of Economics, Raja J Chelliah wrote nearly 15 books and various research papers.Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Govind Singh Gurjar passed away in New Delhi on 6th April,2009. He was born in 1932 in Balakanangal village of Rajasthan. He was appointed to the post of Lt. Governor in March 2008 during the tenure of former Chief Minister N. Rangasamy.
  • Former President of Argentina Raul Alfonsin, who guided Argentina’s return to democracy in the 1980s after seven years of brutal military rule, passed away on March 31,2009. He was 82. He was president from 1983 to 1989 and won international admiration for putting on trial and jailing the former military leaders.
  • Former heavyweight champion Greg Page passed away on April 27,2009 at his Louisville home at the age of 50. He lifted the WBA belt in 1984 during the post-Ali, pre-Tyson era.
  • Stunt master in Tamil cinema industry Rajkumar died at the age of 53. He is remembered as the fight master whose action choreography was strikingly similar to Sylvester Stallone in Rambo. Rambo Rajkumar has worked for over 450 films in five languages, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
  • Rugby legend of Ireland Karl Mullen, who captained the 1948 Grand Slam winning team passed away at the age of 82. He won 25 international caps for Ireland in the 1940s and 1950s, playing at hooker. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • Emergency was lifted on April 24 in Thailand. Earlier Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a state of emergency in the capital, Bangkok, and five provinces on April 12,2009 and Police and military units were deployed to enforce the decree. Summit between India and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was postponed. India’s Union Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath and other leaders were safely evacuated from the venue at the resort town of Pattaya on April 11,2009.
  • More than 200 died in a quake in in L’Aquila of central Italy. A strong tremor shook on April 6,2009 damaged buildings and some of the 17000 left homeless.
  • The four-day Naval Commanders’ Conference was held at the Eastern Naval Command headquarters, in Visakhapatnam, from April 13 to 15,2009. The conference focused on macro level issues pertaining to military strategy, operational logistics and matters impacting the welfare and enhancement of satisfaction level amongst all ranks and ‘Coastal Security’. The Naval Commanders’ Conference is the highest decision making body of the navy. It meets annually to deliberate upon major operational issues that have a bearing on the nation’s maritime interests, coastal and offshore security, naval strategy, and operational and acquisition plans. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • The 5th Summit the Americas was held at Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago from April 17-19,2009. The theme was ‘Securing Our Citizens’ Future by Promoting Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability.’ The Summit of the Americas is the name for a continuing series of summits bringing together the leaders of North America, Central America and South America. First summit was held at Miami in the United States.
  • NATO summit of heads of state and heads of government held in Strasbourg, France, and in Kehl and Baden-Baden, Germany, on 3-4 April 2009. The summit marked the 60th anniversary of the establishment of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). To symbolize an evolving vision of European cooperation, for the first time a NATO summit was jointly hosted by two member nations France and Germany. The summit reaffirmed the values, objectives and obligations of the Washington Treaty which unite Europe with the United States and Canada.
  • The Leaders of the Group of Twenty, met in London on 2 April 2009. They decided to treble resources available to the IMF to 750 billion dollar, to support a new SDR allocation of 250 billion dollar, to support at least 100 billion dollar of additional lending by the MDBs, to ensure 250 billion dollar of support for trade finance, and to use the additional resources from agreed IMF gold sales for concessional finance for the poorest countries, constitute an additional 1.1 trillion dollar programme of support to restore credit, growth and jobs in the world economy. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
  • They also pledged to do whatever is necessary to restore confidence, growth, and jobs, repair the financial system to restore lending, strengthen financial regulation to rebuild trust, fund and reform our international financial institutions to overcome this crisis and prevent future ones, promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity and build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery.
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO) released ‘Global Employment Trends for Women’. The report suggests that there is a gender aspect too to its impact on jobs. Stating that the emerging trends are extremely worrying for both men and women, the report explained the time has come for a coordinated effort internationally to stop the slowdown. At the global level, the share of the vulnerable employed among all women employed is as high as 52.7 per cent compared with 49.1 per cent for men. Copyright © 2009 WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM
“Recently many cases of Swine Influenza Virus were found in number of Asian and Latin American countries. 103 people have died of swine flu and about 1600 people have been infected with the virus in Mexico. The US has confirmed 20 cases. Mexico is recognised as the source of the virus.
Many countries have issued a negative travel advice for Mexico, and China has ordered a ban on the import of pork from Mexico and a number of Latin American countries, after Russia took a similar measure earlier. Swine influenza is known to be caused by influenza a subtypes H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2 and H2N3
SIV refers to influenza cases that are caused by Orthomyxoviruses endemic to pig populations. “

Books and Authors

Challenge and Strategy-Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy : Rajiv Sikri
A Better India, A Better World : N R Narayana Murthy
Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent : Eduardo Galeano
The Court and the Constitution of India: Summits and Shallows : O. Chinnappa Reddy
My Album: Pravin Mahajan
Soldiers’ Saga Of Adventure: Col AP Tanwar
If Cricket Is a Religion, Sachin Is God: Vijay Santhanam and Shyam Balasubramaniam

Current affairs – Persons in News – 2010

Persons in News November 2010

  • Leslie Nielson passes away
    Beloved actor Leslie Nielson best remember as bumbling police detective Lt. Frank Drebin of the Naked Gun series of movies, passed away recently aged 84 from complications arising as a result of Pneumonia. He was surrounded on his death bed y his loving wife, friends and long time agent. Leslie Nielson had over a 60 year long career in motion pictures which started back in the 1950s. He was initially cast as a leading man in serious movies such as The Forbidden Planet and Poseidon Adventure. The former flopped while the latter was a big success in its time. However, Nielson soon found his forte in comedy movies when he first acted in the 1980 comedy motion picture, Airplane. The movie was a huge hit and Nielson’s popularity as a comedy actor soared. He then appeared in a number of comedy movies, the most famous of them being the Naked Gun series, all of which were big hits. Some of these were repossessed, Dracula- dead and loving it and Spy hard. Leslie was married thrice in his lifetime and has two daughters with his second wife.
  • I-phone versus Google Android
    Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. recently praised the operating system on Google’s smart phones. The operating system called Android was further praised by Mr. Wozniak who said that these phones had more features to offer as compared to the I-phone. He however, further added that while Google’s smart phones offer people more number of choices, Apple I-phones on the other hand were much better in terms of quality.

Persons in News August 2010

  • Michael Kirk Douglas diagnosed with throat cancer
    Michael Kirk Douglas, winner of three Golden Globes and two Academy Awards, was diagnosed with throat cancer in August this year. He received the AFI (American Film Institute) Life Achievement Award in 2009. The 65-year-old actor, a heavy smoker, was informed of his condition labeled as Stage 4 cancer after his doctor’s appointment for an extremely sore throat. Douglas who is to undergo chemotherapy and radiation is optimistic about his chances for recovery
  • Archie Panjabi
    Recently 62nd Emmy awards were held and the best part was to hear about actress Archie Panjabi from the Indian-origin who has won the award for best supporting actress in the movie “The Good Wife”. Her performance has been rated to be the best in the international release recognized as “Bend it like Beckham”. Many others were nominated for the same designation but because the best performance deserves to be on the top hence the results proved it and Archie Panjabi took the award.
  • Anil Aggarwal to overtake Mukesh Ambani
    It was Anil Aggarwal who laid the foundation of Vedanta Resources Corporation, a UK based corporation and all by the virtue of it that he has been designated as the non-resident Indian billionaire. By this effort he has become the largest promoter of a corporate house thus overtaking Mukesh Ambani.
  • Pallava Bagla
    Pallava Bagla from India has won the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism by American Geophysical Union (AGU). Pallav won this award for his articles on the impact of change in climate on the Himalayan glaciers. Bagla is an author and freelancer for BBC and the likes. His latest book is “Destination Moon: India’s Quest for Moon, Mars and beyond”.

Persons in News July 2010

  • Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro a Cuban revolutionary visited Havana scientific facility; it was his first public appearance.
    The former Cuban President, now 83, who went into seclusion four years back after falling ill looked healthy said the reports.
  • Roman Polanski
    The Swiss government rejected US government’s request to extradite Roman Polanski where he is charged with unlawful sex with a minor on the ground that the US authorities failed to provide confidential testimony about Polanski’s sentencing procedure in 1977-1978. Polanski, who has been held under house arrest in Switzerland since December, has been declared a free man by the Swiss authorities. However, the American prosecutors vowed to continue their pursuit of the film director.

Persons in News June 2010

  • Former CJI K G Balakrishnan is appointed as Chairman of National Human Rights Commission.
  • O P Bhatt has been elected as Chairman , Indian Banker’s Association for the year 2010-11.
  • Tenzin Norzon, a resident of Varanasi crowned as Miss Tibet 2010.
  • J G Farrell won the Lost Man Booker Prize for his novel ‘Troubles’.
  • Sachin Tendulkar conferred with Indian Air Force’s honorary rank of Group Captain. Till now 21 persons have been granted honorary ranks by the IAF. The first person was Raja of Jawhar- Raja Yaswant Rao in 1994. Tendulkar is the first sportsperson to be conferred with this honour.
  • Sharad Pawar will be 7th President of ICC. He become 2nd Indian after Jagmohan Dalmia to occupy the position. He succeeded David Morgan.
  • Wrestler and 1970’s Asian Games Gold medalist, Chandagi Ram Kaliram died.

Persons in News May 2010

  • Gita Gopinath an Indian origin associate professor at Harvard Univ has been appointed a full professor, the first Indian woman in the Institution’s history to ge given this appointment.
  • Former Vice President of India, Bhairon Singh Shekhawat died.
  • Rima Fakih was crowned Miss USA 2010. She became the first ever muslim American Miss USA. She is of Lebanese muslim descent.
  • Singer Christina Aguilera was named Ambassador against hunger by the United Nations World Food Programme.
  • Rushanara Ali became first person of Bangladesh origin to be elected to the British Parliament.
  • David Cameron elected Prime Minister of Britain. Nick Clegg became the Dy Prime Minister. Britain gets first coalition govt since World War-II. It is between Conservative and Liberal Democrats.
  • Justice S H Kapadia sworn as new Chief Justice of India.
  • Hari S Bhartia elected as President of Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) for 2010-11.
  • Jessica Watson became the youngest person to sail unassisted around the world in a yatch.

Persons in News April 2010

  • Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra was sworn in as Judge of Supreme Court of India. She became the 4th women judge to be elevated to the Supreme Court of India.
  • Justice S H Kapadia will be next Chief Justice of India.
  • Mukul Sangma shown in as Meghalaya Chief Minister.
  • Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski died in a air crash at Moscow.
  • Juan Antonia Samaranch, Former President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) died.

Persons in News March 2010

  • Rajan Bharti Mittal appointed President FICCI.
  • Major Dimple Singla became first women army officer in the country who has been sentenced to imprisonment for corruption.
  • Bhubneshwar Kalita has been choosen as the Chef de Mission of the Indian contingent at Commonwealth Games 2010.
  • Cricketer Kapil Dev has been inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame.
  • Former Supreme Court judge P V Reddy appointed as Chairman, Law Commission of India.
  • Lt Gen V K Singh appointed as new Army Chief.
  • Sonia Gandhi appointed head of National Advisory Council. NAC advice the govt on policy matters, monitor flagship programmes and prepare the ground for other pro-poor legislatures.
  • Lyricist Javed Akhtar, Mani Shankar Aiyar, Dr Ram Dayal Munda, Dr Balchandra Mungekar and Kannada Actress B Jayashree are among other persons nominated to Rajya Sabha.
  • Austrian base jumper Felix Baumgartnar will became the first person to leaps from the edge of space at a height of 37 km above earth’s surface. He become the first man to break the speed of sound hitting a top speed of about 11000km/hr. He will jump on 11 April 2010.
  • Katie Spotz became the youngest person to complete a solo journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Girija Prasad Koirala, Nepal Ex Prime Minister died. He was 5th time Nepal PM.

Persons in News February 2010

  • Horst Kochler , Germany President visit India in Feb 2010.
  • Abdullah Gul, Turkey President visit India in Feb 2010.
  • Economist Kokkadan Nandanath Raj, who made a significant contribution in the preparation of first Five Year Plan(1951-56) died.
  • Sharad Chandra Sinha is appointed as Director General of National Investigation Agency(NIA).
  • Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President visit India in Feb 2010.
  • Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob of Malaysia appointed Chairman, International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Govt appointed R S Pandey as its mediator for talk with NSCN(IM) in Nagaland to carry forward the peace process.
  • Former Justice P V Reddy will be appointed as Chairman, Law Commission of India.
  • Ram Baran Yadav, Nepal President visit India in Feb 2010. It was the first visit by Yadav to any foreign country after taking over as Nepal’s President. Yadav is the first President of Nepal since monarchy ended in 2008. India extended $ 250 million soft line of credit to Nepal.
  • Rajinder Singh became first non-white and also first Asian member of the right wing British National Party, after it amended its constitution to allow black and Asian to be its member.
  • Amitabh Bachan became the brand ambassador of Gujarat state.
  • Amnesty International, the global human right organization has appointed Salid Shetty as its next Secy General from June 2010. He will be the first Indian to head the organization.
  • Shah Rukh Khan & Kajol become the first Indian bollywood actors to ring the opening bell of the world’s biggest stock exchange’ NASDAQ’.
  • Rajiv Satav appointed President, Indian Youth Congress.
  • Katrina Kaif awarded with 2009 Excellence in Performing Arts Award established by ASSOCHAM.
  • M H Hussain, famous painter accepted citizenship of Qatar.

Persons in News January 2010

  • Billy Arjan Singh, wildlife conservationist and Padma Shri awardee died.
  • P D Dinakaran, Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court faces impeachement motion. The process was initiated in the Parliament. He is the first High Court Chief Justice against whom impeachment motion have been initiated. Justice V Ramaswami is the only judge to have faced impeachment proceedings in parliament.
  • Justice V S Sirpurkar appointed to head a three member panel to look into allegation of land grab and misconduct against Chief Justice P D Dinakaran in the wake of impeachment motion initiated against him in Parliament.
  • Fahmida Mirza is the first woman Speaker of Pakistan National Assembly.
  • Ricky Ponting, Australian cricket team captain, has been named as ESPN Cricinfo Player of the Decade for 2000.
  • Jyoti Basu, former West Bengal Chief Minister, died.
  • Mrinal Pande, appointed as Chairman, Prasar Bharti Board.
  • Lee Myung Bak, South Korea President was the Chief Guest at 2010 Republic Day Parade.
  • Shiv Shankar Menon is appointed as National Security Advisor.
  • Vikram Srivastava appointed as Director General of CRPF(Central Reserve Police Force).
  • Ranjit Kumar Bhatia appointed as Director General of ITBP (Indo Tibetan Border Police).

Current Affairs 2010 – Science and Technology

  • 97th Indian Science Congress held at Tiruvananthapuram in Jan 2010. The theme of this year congress was ‘ Science & Technology of 21st Century- National Perspective’.

  • The longest annular solar eclipse on the third millennium occur on 15 Jan 2010. The next annular solar eclipse will be visible in year 3043. Annular eclipse is occurred when the sun is visible like a ring of fire, with the moon darkening its centre. The last annular solar eclipse visible from India was occurred in 1976. In July 2010 also, a total solar eclipse will be occurred.

  • There are three strains of wild Polio virus namely P1, P2 & P3. Type 2 wild Polio virus (P2) was eliminated from the world in 1999.

  • First public hearing on the introduction of Bt Brinjal (First Genetically Modified Food Crop in India) was held in Kolkatta. Seven such public hearing are being organized by Centre for Environment Education, for opinion of public in respect of introduction of Bt Brinjal. 2nd hearing was held at Hyderabad.

  • 50th anniversary of creation of LASER is being celebrated in 2010. Theodore Maiman constructed the first LASER in May 1960. LASER stands for Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Charles H Townes was father of MASER.

  • Current Affairs 2010 – Sports

    Current AffairsNovember 2010
    • Chelsea lose third match out of fourth
      Birmingham City defeated Chelsea by a score of 1-0 at Birmingham City making this the third defeat to be suffered by Chelsea in the four matches that it has played so far. This win helped Manchester United to move up in the English Premier League rankings. Birmingham gained three points in the rankings thanks to the one and only winning goal scored by its player Lee Bowyer. Newcastle lost 5-1 to Bolton while West Ham lost 3-0 to Liverpool alongside Blackpool and Stoke who claimed their respective victories. In their game against Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea let slip past their initial lead of 2-0, to finally lose the game at a score of 3-2. The game was at a score of 2-0 till half time with Chelsea winning but a combination of lack of concentration in players and simple bad luck cost Chelsea the match.
    • Cricket in 2014 Asian Games
      Rumors recently originated that cricket had been removed from the list of proposed sports and events of the 2014 Asian games. The reason for these rumors has been said to be the decision of the Olympic Committee of Asia to limit the number of sporting events in the Asian games to a maximum of 35. However, these fears proved out to be false as the OCA recently confirmed the inclusion of cricket in the list of sporting events for the Asian games 2014. For the time being cricket and karate have been confirmed as two out of the seven non Olympic events in these games while the other five are still to be decided. However, South Korean organizers are said to not be in support of this decision.
    • Nadal and Clijsters
      Rafael Nadal continues to hold the top spot in the ATP rankings with his score being close to 11900 points while Roger Federer holds the spot of number two. On the other hand Kim Clijsters fell to the third position in the WTA rankings released recently followed by Serena Williams on the fourth position.
    • Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
      Following his win in the Korean Grand Prix, third position in Brazil and third position in the qualifiers of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Fernando Alonso of Ferrari looked like the possible winner. However the title slipped out of his hands, much to his surprise and landed into the hands of Vettel making him the youngest Formula One champion in the history of F1 racing aged just 23 years.
    Current Affairs – October 2010
    • A century of Medals in CWG 2010:
      Thanks to the final in the woman badminton category that India was able to taste the sweet gland of a century tally of medals for the very first time in any CWG edition. India had tallied 38 gold, 27 silver and 36 bronze medals which cumulatively read 101 medals. Even though India were shattered to an 8-0 defeat by the Aussies the woman shutters’ heroics steered them to a total of medals that read 101. India finished ahead of England (142) and behind Australia (177). The culminating day (Oct 14th) saw the quest of an unimaginable 2nd place finish thanks to Jwala and Ashwini. They defeated Singapore’s Sari Shanti Mulia and Yao Lei with some ease and become the lone pair so far to win gold in women badminton (doubles). But the cherry on the cake was put by Indian badminton pioneer – Saina Nehwal. The hosts scalped addition one inclusive of a bronze medal when our table tennis masters Poulomi Ghatak and Mouma Das won in the doubles for women bronze medal final round alongside the Australian pair. Tan Zed Vivian and Peri Campbell-Innes. But the finals for the hockey men were a match to forget as they were thumped by the Kangaroos scoring 8 past their goal. Going into this match with some resilient attitude as shown in the semis, the Aussies brought them to ground by outplaying them with power play.
    • Master Blaster’s the Best; ICC admits:
      Sachin Tendulkar (quite unsurprisingly) was shortlisted for the most decorated cricketing accolade in contempt period, an award given to the greatest cricketer for the year that is named after Sir Garfield Sobers. The Master Blaster turned out to be the second Indian to win the accolade following the success of Rahul Dravid in the same award six years before. Afterwards accumulating 1,000 runs in Test match cricket this calendar year more to the point becoming the aboriginal cricketer to score a double century in LOI cricket playing against South Africa on Feb 24th 2010 in Gwalior, Sachin completed a double of awards at the even by also winning the famous – LG People’s Choice Award. The Men in Blue had a lot extra to applaud about as their striking opener, Virender Sehwag, with 1,282 runs in the game’s longer adaptation, was chosen as the Test Cricketer of the Year and M.S. Dhoni was selected as the captain of a World Test XI. In the previous, Sehwag’s Delhi team mate as well as opening partner, Gautam Gambhir was given this privilege. Decorated Indian off-spinner, B.S. Bedi was introduced into the Hall of Fame (for ICC) forth along with the legendary West Indies’ fast bowlers Garner and Walsh and Rachael Heyhoe Flint (ex-England women cricketer) The LOI (also known as ODI) Player of the Year was bagged by the South African cricketer A.B. de Villiers.
    • Kangaroos see BLUE in India:
      In a highly anticipated and evenly fought cricket competition between two giants of the beautiful game of cricket between India and Australia, the former proved to be good for the Aussies. The Australian team over a period of time has seen its main workforce in Gilchrist, Hayden, McGrath and others retiring had to rely majorly on the young breed of players lacking experience of play in the Indian subcontinent. India had slipped its rank down a bit from No. 1 and was in a quest to get it back. That’s what actually transpired. Thanks to the great heroics of Sachin along with the rest of his teammates India were not only able to beat the Aussies but finish it as a clean sweep which the team Down Under hadn’t experienced for quite some time. Sachin’s double ton was the highlight of the series and imperative in order to retain the coveted Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Apart from the Test Series, India also won the ODI series without losing single game (1-0). Two of the three matches were abandoned due to bad weather conditions while the sole game played, India convincingly beat the Australians thanks to a solid partnership between Suresh Raina and Mohit Tiwary. The partnership between the two batsmen helped India to chase down a total just under 300.
    Current Affairs – September 2010
    • Kalmadi and Co. pocket Common man’s Wealth:
      The contempt letters of forgery and fraud in Commonwealth Games resulted in an abnormally affliction of our nation’s picture. The bulk of finances used up on modernizing the venues for Commonwealth Games accommodate a prima facie affirmation of ample calibration enticement in the alignment of Commonwealth Games. The abstracts accessible on the Commonwealth Games website reveals that the amount of refurbishing the JNU stadium was USD 215 million; the IGI Stadium USD 150 million; the Hockey stadium (named after Dhyan Chand) USD 60 million; and the Shooting Alleys USD 35 million. An absolute sum of USD 10150 million was spent on renovations. The costs incurred in the advance of the lone cricket stadium in Delhi were USD 20 million. For the LBS stadium in Hyderabad was USD 18 million, and architecture of a contemporary and technology studded stadium in the city of oranges amounted USD 19 million. It is acute that the Central Government anon adjustment a top akin analysis into this arrangement and the dealings embarked on. It is abominable that such all-embracing abusage of communal resources has taken abode in the name of the Commonwealth Games. The accusations of inducement ambit from favoritism in accolade of affairs to big-ticket appoint of accessories for training and abrupt accretion in the costs of architecture treaties.
    • Bridge Collapses; Casualties cross double figures:
      Reportedly not less than 27 people were afflicted afterwards an under-construction foot over bridge burst within the close proximity of the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the capital area of the Commonwealth Games, bidding the Organizing Committee (OC) to awning up by giving a statement or in other words a false sense of complacency and assurance that everything is being taken care of. The arch was to hotlink the amphitheater to parking for delegates and athletes. The Urban Development Minister, Jaipal Reddy has dismissed the pressures by quoting it is a negligible incident. The Public Works Department (PWD) has urged for an acoount of the structure from the builders. Later the aforementioned day, Organizing Committee Secretary General Lalit Bhanot addressed reporters: “We will put up a great show. He said the venues will be all set in the days to come and there would be added sprucing to accommodate top notch standards. However, the mishap is a concern to the CWG organizers, who are already nabbed amidst accuse of laziness and fraud for the XIX Edition. Previously, Mike Hooper, the main controller of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF), remarked on the condition of hygiene at the Games Village as “dirty.”
    • Chennai are the Super Kings of Twenty20 Cricket:
      The Mahendra Singh Dhoni led Chennai Super Kings are the champions of the second edition of the AirTel Champions League Twenty20 hosted by South Africa from September 10th to September 26th. Chennai Super Kings defeated their fellow finalists in some fashion by 8 wickets in the final of the Champions League T20 2010.Warriors had won the toss earlier and decided to bat first but bootless to account an appropriate target, but only capable to set a minimal total of mere 128 runs for 7 wickets. Only Davy Jacobs’s denticulate 34 runs were the notable contribution and was also the best from the entire batting lineup of the Warriors. Muttiah Muralidaran was the most booming bowler scalping 3 wickets for only 16 runs. Ashwin got a couple of wickets for 16 runs as well. Chennai Super Kings started off in some style by baking batting by Murali Vijay who denticulate a 58 run total. Michael Hussey fabricated 42 handy runs to the total. The Opening brace fabricated 103 runs which fabricated their way of triumph easier than it ever seemed. With this Murali Vijay became the highest run getter of the second edition of the Champions League Twenty20. He was facilitated with the Man of the Match Award. With such great triumph on the world stage, the Indian and CSK captain has silenced his critics and is still in contention to be the best ever captain in the world today.
    Current Affairs - August 2010
    • Sehwag denied century
      A deliberate no ball by the Srilankan off-spinner Suraj Randiv to prevent Virendar Sehwag from completing his century in the tri-series has left a bad taste in the mouth for all cricket lovers. Indians were just short of 5 runs from destination called victory and the opening batsman VEERU was just a run away from his ton. At the same time Lankan skipper chose spinner S. Randiv to come in and bowl. On the third bowl of his spell Virender Sehwag sent the bowl out of the fence with a huge six but the turning point was that it was a no ball which defended Virender Sehwag from completing his century. As per the declaration of the match referee it was been found out that it was an intentional attempt.
    • Shooting Gold
      Tejaswini Sawant created history by becoming India’s first female shooter to clinch gold at the World Shooting Championship held in Munich, Germany. The 29-year-old, who shot a score of 597/600 (100, 100, 100, 99, 99, 99), equaling the world record in the process, won the 50m rifle prone event
    • Sri Lanka wins the tri series
      The host Sri Lanka’ eight wicket victory over India in Dambulla represents its 25th win in a tournament final. Sri Lankan skipper Kumar Sangakkara’who won the toss decided to bat against India in the tri-series final. The Sri Lankans won the match by 74 runs in this game. With this it became the second team to win a tournament final on 25 occasions. Australia has won 52 tournament finals.
    • First Indian US PGA Tour winner
      Arjun Atwal has become the first Indian Golfer to win the US PGA tour. Atwal, who started playing at the age of fourteen, became one of the leading players on the Asian Tour and the European tour. He is the the first native East Indian golfer to become a member of, and later win the U.S. PGA Tour.
    Current AffairsJuly 2010
    • Saina Nehwal: A smash hit
      The Indian Open Grand Prix Gold, the Singapore Open Super Series and then the Indonesian Open Super Series at Jakarta have given enough reasons to Saina to celebrate. The World No.3 defeated a fighting Sayaka Sato of Japan 21-19, 13-21, 21-11 in the badminton finals. Just two notches away from the badminton World No. 1, Saina is now indisputably India’s top female athlete.
    • Khel awards
      Saina Nehwal to be conferred the country’s top sporting honour-the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award. While Jhulan Goswami skipper of womens cricket team, boxer Dinesh Kumar and Sandeep Singh are tipped to receive the Arjuna Awards in recognition of their outstanding achievements during the last one year, Footballer Sunil Chhetri and Deepak Mondal have also been nominated for the award that will be given away in Rashtrapati Bhawan on 29th Aug by President Pratibha Patil.
    • World cup for Spain
      In a historic football victory Spain lifted their first-ever World Cup after defeating Netherlands 1-0 in Johannesburg. Andres Iniesta secured the only goal of an enthralling final against the Netherlands four minutes from the end of extra-time on Sunday leading his team to victory.
    Current Affairs - June 2010
    • French Open 2010 :
      • Men’s singles – Rafael Nadal defeated Robin Soderling. He is the second person after Bjorn Borg to win 5th French Open titles.
      • Women’s singles- Francesca Schiavone (Italy) defeated Samantha Stosur (Australia). She became first Italian women to won the French open.
      • Men’s Doubles- Daniel Nestor & Nenad Zimonjic defeated Lukas Dlouhy & Leander Paes.
      • Women’s Doubles- Serena Williams & Venus Williams defeated Kveta Peschke & Katarina Srebotnik.
      • Mixed Doubles – Katarina Srebotnik & Nenad Zimonjic defeated Yavoslava Shvedova & Julian Knowle.
    • Saina Nehwal defeated Choo Wong Mew to win women’s single title in Yonex-Sunrise Indian Open badminton championship. In the Men’s singles Yunus Alamsyah won the title.
    • Saina Nehwal defeated Japan’s Sayaka Sato to win women’s singles title in Indonesian Open Super Series 2010.
    • Indian Ronjan Sodhi won the double trap gold medal at ISSF World Cup in Lonato, Italy.
    • India defeated Sri Lanka to won Asia Cup(Cricket) 2010. India won the title after 15 years i.e. it won the cup in 1995.
    • Saina Nehwal won the Women’s singles title in Singapore Super Series badminton championship 2010 defeating China’s Tzu Ying Tai. It was her 2nd consecutive title.
    • 3000th ODI( One day international) cricket match was played between England & Australia.
    Current Affairs - May 2010
    • England won 2010 ICC World Twenty20 Cricket tournament defeating Australia. The tournament was held at West Indies. Kevin Pieterson of England has been declared as Player of the Tournament.
    • Australia won 2010 Women’s World Twenty20 Cricket tournament defeating New Zealand.
    • India and South Korea were declared joint winner of 2010 Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Cup, after suspension of the final match due to heavy rains.India’s Sardar Singh has been declared as Best Player of the Tournament. Australia won the Bronze medal. The tournament was held at Ipoh (Malaysia). India had won the tournament earlier in 1985, 1991, 1995 & 2009.
    • China won Thomas Cup ( Men’s Badminton) defeating Indonesia.
    • In the World Youth Boxing Championship, held at Baku, Azerbaijan, India won 1 Gold & 1 Silver. Gold medal was won by Vikas Krishan and Silver medal was won by Shiva Thapa.
    • India won bronze medal in the 2nd Asian Paragliding Championship held at Nishiewa, Japan.
    • World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand retained his title after defeating Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria in the World Chess Championship 2010.
    Current Affairs - April 2010
    • IPL3 season won by Chennai Super Kings defeating Mumbai Indians.
    • Youth Olympics Games 2010 to be held in Singapore in Aug 2010.
    • World Youth Championship was held at Baku, Azerbaijan.
    • Lawn tennis legend Martina Navratilova diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
    • ‘Jumbo’ chosen as 2011 World Cricket Cup Mascot.
    • World Kabbadi Cup 2010- India defeated Pakistan to won World Cup Kabbadi 2010 held at Ludhiana.
    • Pankaj Advani won the Asian Billiards Championship defeating Singapore’s Peter Gilchrist for the consecutive third time.
    • Badminton Asia Championship, Delhi :
      • Men’s singles – Lin Dan defeated Wang Zhenguing
      • Women’s singles-Li Xiurei defeated Liu Xin.
    Current AffairsMarch 2010
    • Tamil Nadu defeated West Bengal to won Vijay Harare Cricket Trophy.
    • Australia won World Hockey Cup 2010 defeating Germany. India ranked at 8th place.
    • India won six gold medal in the Commonwealth Boxing Championship held at Delhi.
    • Two new IPL teams, Kochi was auctioned for Rs 1533 crore and Pune was auctioned for Rs 1702 crore. Kochi was auctioned to Rendezvous Adventure Sports Ltd. Pune was auctioned to Sahara Adventure Sports Ltd.
    Current Affairs – February 2010
    • Sachin Tendulkar became first player in the world to score a double century in ODI (One day International). He scored 200 (Not out) against South Africa.
    • 11th South Asian Games 2010 : Held at Dhaka, Bangladesh from 29 Jan to 8 Feb. Originally scheduled to take place in 2009, but due to general elections in Bangladesh, the games were held in 2010. This was the third time that the Dhaka hosted the Games, thus becoming the first city to hold the games three times. 8 countries participated in the games in 23 different sports, including T20 cricket, which was introduced for the first time in SAG. The 8 countries included are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. 1The logo of the games was ‘Kutumb’, a flying doel , which is the national bird of Bangladesh. The mascot of the games featured a magpie robin, which was holding the torch to begin the games. The final medal tally include : India – 1st place with 90 G 55 S 29 B Total 174, Pakistan- 2nd place with 19 G 25 S 36 B Total 80, Bangladesh- 3rd place with 18 G 23 S 56 B Total 97.
    • West Zone won Duleep Trophy ( 2009-10) defeating South Zone.
    • India’s Gaganjeet Bhullar won the Asian Tour International Trophy 2010. It is his 2nd consecutive title.
    • Euro 2012 to be co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine.
    • 2010 Winter Olympic Games were held at Vancouver, Canada. Mascot of the game was MIGA (a sea bear), QUATCHI( a sasquatch) and SUMI (animal guardian spirit). The logo of the games was Ilnaaq meaning Friend in Inuktut. There were 86 events in 7 sports. The games were held from 12 Feb to 28 Feb. Final medal tally. Canada- 14 G 7 S 5 B, Germany- 10 G 13 S 7 B, USA- 9 G 15 S 13 B.
    • IOC (International Olympic Committee ) has approved ICC (International Cricket Council) bid to join the Olympic games 2020. The first time cricket was included in the Olympic games was in Paris Olympic 1900.
    • 11th World Hockey Cup 2010- To be held in Delhi, India. This is 2nd WHC which India is hosting. India also hosted the WHC in 1982 at Mumbai. 12 countries participated in the tournament. WHC is held in the years between two summer Olympics. First WHC was held at Barcelona in 1971. Pakistan has won the cup four times, Netherland three times, Germany two times, India & Australia once each. India won the WHC in 1975.
    • Commonwealth Shooting Championship was held in New Delhi in Feb 2010. India stood at first place with 35 Gold 25 Silver and 14 Bronze. England stood at 2nd place with 4 gold and Wales stood at 3rd place.
    Current Affairs - January 2010
    • U-19 World Cup 2010 held in New Zealand from 15 – 30 Jan 2010. Javagal Srinath from India appointed as one of the match referee for the tournament.
    • Australia won the U-19 World Cup for the third time defeating Pakistan. India is placed at 6th rank. Australia won the cup for the third time.
    • Rafael Nadal won the Capitala World Tennis Championsip, held at Abu Dhabi defeating Robin Soderling.
    • Magnus Carlsen becomes the youngest World No.1 chess player at the age of 19 years breaking the Garry Kasparov’s record when he became the world’s top ranked chess player at the age of 22 years in 1985. Magnus Carlsen is the 5th player after Kasparov, Kramnik, Topalov and V.Anand (India) to cross the 2800 ELO rating. In the Jan 2010 FIDE ranking, Carlsen stood at 1st place, Topalov at 2nd place and V Anand at 3rd place.
    • Marin Cilic defeated Staniglas Wawrinka to won Men’s singles title of Aircel Chennai Open.
    • Pakistan’s cricketer Shahid Afridi was banned for two T20 internationals after he was found guilty of ball tempering in a ODI against Australia.
    • Corus Chess Grandmaster Tournament won by Magnus Carlsen. V.Anand of India ranked at 4th place. Hopman Cup 2010- Spain defeated Great Britain.
    • Australian Open 2010 : Women’s Single- Serena William defeated Justin Henin. It is Serena’s 5th Australian Open title. It is also Serena’s 12th Grand Slam title equaling the record of Billie Jean King.
    • Men’s Single- Roger Federer(Swiss) defeated Andy Murray(Britain). It is Federer’s 4th Australian Open title. It is Federer’s 16th Grand Slam title.
    • Men’s Double- Mike Bryan & Bob Bryan defeated Daniel Nestor & Nenad Zimonjic.
    • Women’s Double – Serena Williams & Venus Williams defeated Cara Black & L Huber.
    • Mixed Double – Laender Paes (India) & Cara Black (Zimbabwe) defeated Ekterina Makasova & Jaroslav Levinsky. It is Paes’s 11th Grand Slam title.

    National Current Affairs 2010

    Current Affairs – November 2010
    • Sensex drops 458 points
      The Bombay Stock Exchange recently fell by a total of 458 points. The reasons for the underperformance of the Indian Equity market have been said to be the series of scams that were unearthed from mid November. Just last month, CBI officials discovered a bribe for loan scandal that involved several officials from financial firms and a few state run banks. The 10.8% rise in industrial growth since last month could not help and several indices ended with huge losses. Major loses were mainly suffered by PSUs, realty, consumer durables and healthcare.
    • Satyam Trial Case
      The examination of the first witness in the infamous multi crore Satyam Computer accounting scam would begin from the first of November Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court. CBI officials submitted a list of six witnesses to the courts who were officials of a number of different banks. All ten accused including company founder B Ramalinga Raju were present in court during the hearing of the case. The DIG of police who operates under the department of CBI said that the agency requested permission to set up LCD projectors and screens in the court so that both parties could observe and take notes on all the documents that would be brought up in court. Since cases in the Supreme Court need to be resolved at the earliest, CBI officials submitted close to a thousand documents to the court to speed up the prosecution. The bail of the owner of company and the other 5 individuals associated has been rejected.
    • Baba Ramdev Temple under threat
      An anonymous letter was received at the Ramdev Baba temple in Jaisalmer that contained threats to blow up the temple on November 9th. District Collector G S Kushwaha received this letter by normal post. Following this letter security around the temple and the surrounding complex was tightened by posting additional number of policeman around the temple complex. Around 5 million devotees are said to visit the temple every year.
    • Ashok Chavan’s fate
      Disgraced Chief Minister of Maharashtra Ashok Chauhan’s would be decided after the Diwali holiday season, i.e. after November 8th said the Congress party. Recently Chief Minister Ashok Chauhan’s name had come in the Adarsh Housing Society scam. Following this allegation, Mr. Ashok Chauhan immediately offered to resign from his post. No mention of either the Adarsh Housing Society scam or the commonwealth Games fiasco was made by the Congress in its AICC session. Also present at the meeting were Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit, Common Wealth Games Organizing Committee Chaiperson Suresh Kalmadi, Heavy Industries Minister and former Maharashtra chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and Maharashtra PCC President Manikrao Thakre.
    • Adjournment of Ajmer Dargah blast case
      The hearing of the Ajmer Gargah blast case was recently adjourned to November 8 by a sessions court due to leave taken by the presiding judge. Over an 800 page charge sheet was produced before the court of the Additional Chief Judge Magistrate on the 22nd of October by the Rajasthan ATS. The five accused in the case have alleged links with the radical Hindu group Abhinav Bharat. Only one accused was brought to the court while the other two are being questioned about the Hyderabad Mecca blast case. The accused have been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code like conspiracy to murder, attempt to murder and murder. Over one hundred and thirty witnesses have been cited by the prosecution of the case.
    • Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s concern
      The finance minister of the country Pranab Mukherjee recently raised his fears over the rising of inflation in the country. Minister Mukherjee said that the Reserve Bank of India would take steps at its next monetary policy review to check rising prices because of increased inflation. He further added that rising food prices were solely the reason for this sudden inflation. Inflation for the month of September was estimated to be close to 8.6% much above the acceptable rate of 5%. As said by Finance Minister Mukherjee, food prices had the highest amount of inflation which in Mid October was estimated to be over 13%. Recently, Minister Pranab Mukherjee was in talks with the Reserve Bank of India Governor over the the possible rate hike action by the Central Bank. The global financial crisis, which was worsened by the total collapse of financial firm Lehman Brothers, is being said to be the reason behind the RBI’s recent reversal of its soft monetary policy that it started back in September 2008. Adding to these has been the sudden drop in industrial growth from 15.2% to 5.6%. To combat the aforementioned rise in inflation, the Reserve Bank of India has hiked its key short term lending and borrowing times several times this year.
    • Protest during Obama visit by Bhopal Gas tragedy victims
      Victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy are said to be planning to stage a protest at Jantar Mantar on the 8th of November, during the time of US President Barrack Obama’s visit to the capital. Several tonnes of the poisonous gas methyl iso-cyanide, leaked from the Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal in 1984, killing over 3000 people the same night and causing the deaths of over 25000 people over the subsequent years. Five different voluntary organizations working for the gas tragedy victims recently held a press conference where they stated that they would be requesting to President Obama to use his Presidential powers to bring the Union Carbide Corporation to Indian Courts and be answerable to them. The verdict of this case many years back had found seven top officials of this corporation to be guilty but as these guilty persons were bailed out within minutes of the verdict, many people till date question the justice imparted in the case. The voluntary organizations further added that hundreds of people regularly fall sick and die every month due to the long term poisonous effects of the leaked gas on the soil and water. They further plan to ask President Obama for his help as the US government has been largely unhelpful these last few years. The sit in protest organized by the voluntary organizations is said to be comprised of over 5000 gas tragedy victims.
    Current Affairs – October 2010
    • Third stage of Bihar polling completed:
      Polling was carried out affably in 48 electorates on 28th Oct 2010, estimating in the third appearance of Bihar Assembly elections, which witnessed an approximated 53% voter responsive. Electorates like Amnour, Taraya, Ramnagar, Balmikinagar and Patepur (Maoist followers) account about 45%-52% voting. Voters were carried by boats in the littoral areas of Raghopur Assembly electorate in Vaishali commune where the popular figure of Rabri Devi was in the tussle. The better half of RJD spearhead Lalu Prasad Yadav is as well battling from Sonepur bench in Saran constituency. More than 185 people were held during the balloting, which saw miniature incidents of affray and fracas. Unlike on a number of occasions before, this time Bihar polling did not see what it usually it experiences in terms of riots, booth capturing and other forms of unrest and violence that hampers the true and the honest spirit of competition. “Apart from this, it was nonviolent and silky,” stated by Neelmani (DG of Police). Approximately sixty cars were as well detained. In excess of one crore voters will adjudge the future of six ministers (of the state) in the third stage. The following round i.e. stage 4 will be carried out on Nov. 4 2010.
    • UID experiences technical hiccups:
      In order to overcome the challenge posed by the huge figure of people (approximately 1.03 billions) in the country, the chief of the dept. stated that the 16 digit long UID numbers will be released in the next year and half or so. He added that the epicenter of its working will be in the city of Bangalore. An easy remedy to the obstacles posed by the allotment of different IDs is to have a bench where every formerly sanctioned UID are kept and a fresh one is given only afterwards verifying that is actually a unique code. Fundamentally, we charge to break an extremely tough difficulty in dispersed schemes once we have copies of the bench (for dependability) and ought to accordingly respond/keep informed the table as questions are asked. Taking the point in consideration, provided the millions of accretion objects affiliated to the web, there is no scrutiny if a prime number selected is the similar chosen by somebody else before. If this is to happen, it is an aegis aperture of the aboriginal order for web; the possibly is, nevertheless, acutely undersized. Population on another instance has proven to be a major obstacle in the development and progress course of India. UID which was anticipated to be a huge success and particularly curb this issue is yet to combat the problem itself to even get kick started.
    • Haryana barricades polythene bags entry:
      In another attempt to safeguard the environmental and not add insult to the already injured state of the planet, like the govt. of Delhi, Haryana govt. has also decided to prohibit polythene bags in the state. The ban includes a complete no-no of recycling, storage and usage (in any form) within the state. A suggestion to this aftereffect has been supported by Bhupinder Singh Hooda (the honorable Chief Minister of the state), an authorized agent said in the capital on Saturday. The resolution was taken as it was empiric that fractional forbid on use of polythene bags of a clearly defined array bracket did not crop the needed consequences. There was consistent ambiguity over the array of poly bags in exercise and it had as well been discovered that nibbling of a great number of polythene bogs had resulted in deaths of cows on a regular basis, he said. This type of thinking and resolutions are the only way through which we can combat and better the ailing state of the plant Earth. If all other cities and states like previously Delhi and now Haryana think about the hazards the polythene bags can cost, we will be having better standards of health and hygiene.
    Current Affairs - September 2010
    • PM and Sonia Gandhi inaugurate UID:
      The Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh and UPA Arch Sonia Gandhi shaped a record by accordingly ablution the world’s aboriginal ID activity on September 29th 2010 forth with Nilekani, the arch man of the ministry is acclimated to accommodate Unique Identification Numbers for India’s citizens (cumulatively well in billions), by rendering them the aboriginal collection of twelve digit figures to ten clannish. The PM as well as the UPA Chief were collectively congratulated in the presence of former Infosys headman. This ID Card is assumed to be nation’s biggest ever tech adeptness action alleged ‘Aadhaar’(base), that is due to be issued to all Indians to accommodate them within a lucrative nationally accurate and absolute individual antecedent of character affidavit through an authenticity vault and that will help to accomplish supply processes transparent. Biometric following abstracts include fingerprints and an iris browse getting acclimated for the aboriginal time wherever in the planet.
    • Yamuna raises its bar, causes menace:
      The baptize akin in the river rose to 206.70 accent recently, 1.87 accent aloft the crisis mark of 204.83 accent and is acceptable to go up added as neighboring Haryana would absolution added water in the river, a chief official of the flood ascendancy administration said. Waters from the flood reached into vicinities like of the local areas as well (Yamuna and Sonia Vihar, Usmanpur, Jaitpur are a few). A large number of localities that reside in the areas forth the banks of the river were apparent lined up on the footpaths on the ITO arch with whatsoever they had of their possessions. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit had on Friday requested the inhibiters not to get into agitation and said all basic measures are getting put into abode to accommodated any possible occurrence. Over 100 cadre from National Disaster Response Force, were soon deployed to abetment the bounded authorities. The ascent Yamuna has affected the Northern Railways to abolish 25 trains and absent 36 others. The cancelled train were prominent ones (Kalka and Brahamaputra Mail, Shalimar, A.A. and G.N. Express, etc). The 90 trains that have to be detoured included the most heavily commuted ones and this has disrupted the life of the general public paralyzing their usual movements, a Northern Railway spokesmen stated.
    • Ayodha Verdict finally out, Allahabad Bench applauded:
      Culminating 60 years of anfractuous proceedings, asserts and counter-claims, optimism and desolation, Allahabad HC conventions in favor of improvised Ram temple on quarreled site; the remaining of acreage to be disconnected amid Hindus & Muslims. In what is conceivably the most of eagerly anticipated judgment in contempt times, a breach adjudication dispensed out by a three-member bank of Allahabad High Court were in full abounding of the claims of the Hindu petitioners while acclimation a three-way analysis of the acknowledged land. The cardinal provided acknowledged permit to the temporary Ram temple that came up afterwards the annihilation of the acknowledged anatomy in Ayodhya on December 6, 1992. The entire panel of adjudicators – the prominent faces of the country (Justice Agarwal, Khan and Sharma) – was very much in favor of the acceptance that captivated the acknowledged land was the native land of the Hindu deity. Mr. Sharma and Mr. Agarwal settled with the long-held affirmation of the Sangh Parivar and an area of archaeologists that the acknowledged anatomy cannot be advised as an Islamic place of worship as it came into actuality adjoins the credo of Islam.
    • Lights, Camera and Applause:
      The 57th Edition of the National Film Award ceremony was concluded for the year 2009 in the month of September. The awards were given away in three groups namely, finest Feature Motion Picture Class led by Chairpersonship of Mr. Sippy, Non Feature Motion Picture Group led by Chairpersonship of Mr. Pandey, and Script on Movies beneath the Chairpersonship of Mr. S. Bandhopadhyay.
    • The following were the recipients of a few awards in various nominations:
      1. Motion Picture: Malayalam flick – KuttySrank
      2. I.G.A. for the Best first appearance movie : Hindi movie – Lahore for the Direction
      3. Box office blockbuster (widespread entertainment): Hindi – 3 Idiots
      4. N.D.A. for the Best motion picture on Patriotic Spirit: Hindi – Delhi 6
      5. Best motion picture on Society’s Matters: Bollywood – Well Done Abba
      6. Motion Picture for Kids: Tied between Keshu (Malayalam) and Putaani Party (Kannada)
      7. Direction: Rituparno Ghosh for Abohoman
      8. Actor: Amitabh Bachcha for Auro’s role
      9. Actress: Ananya Chatterjee
      10. Child’s Performance: Tollywood’s Pasanga
      11. Male Singer: Rupam Islam in Bengali
      12. Female Singer: Neelanjana Sarkar in Bengali
    Current Affairs – August 2010
    • Nuclear liability bill passed
      Nuclear liability bill which was adopted by Rajya Sabha has now been approved by the process of Voice vote. The session of the Parliament lasted 48 hours extra than the scheduled time so that the legislation can be easily passed and approved. A total of 18 amendments were introduced in this bill by Lok Sabha before processing it further. Soon the bill was selected for a considerable hike in the liability of operator. This liability has now become 3 times then what it was in the past and now holds a value of rupees 1500 crore’s in total. By virtue of progression of this bill and significant increase in the liability many overseas companies have shown their interests in setting up reactors in India. Special accidental care will now be provided for the employees operating in the various sections of the nuclear plants. The decision and the passing of the bill had been strongly opposed by the BJP leaders as they found it insignificant.
    • Swiss Bank Access
      Swiss Authorities will provide information to India on cases of tax fraud and tax evasion from January 1,2011under the reworked double tax agreement (DTA) signed by India and Switzerland. The Indian Authorities can now seek information about the account holders in Swiss banks who have a case filed against them for tax evasion.
    • Government Intervention for CWG
      PM and his select team of ministers takeover as CWG supervisors. Indian Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh took over the reigns of the forthcoming games in the wake of scandals and unfinished work surrounding the event. Committee of Secretaries, headed by a Cabinet Secretary, will now supervise the mega event to be held in October overtaking Organizing Committee chief Suresh Kalmadi.
    • Bhopal Case reopened
      The Supreme court of India has reopened the Bhopal Gas leak case in response to Government’s petition for harsher punishment to the guilty for the worst tragedy of its kind in which at least 7,000 people perished within days of the release of the toxic methyl isocyanate gas at the Union Carbide pesticide plant on 3 December 1984, and a further 15,000 died later from exposure to the gas. The tragedy left countless others with lifelong damage to their health.
    • CSAT to replace the civil services prelims
      The new Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) will replace the existing civil services (preliminary) examination from 2011. The new scheme will test the candidates for their aptitude for civil services as well as their ethical and moral dimension of decision-making. There will now be two common papers with equal weightage in place of one common paper (general awareness) and one optional paper (any particular subject of choice). The civil services main exam and the interview will remain the same as of now.
    • Rahul creates controversy
      Wherein one place Mamta Banerjee is speaking in the favour of naxals and now Rahul Gandhi is sharing a dias with a suspected Maoist , this is the approach of the government in the fight against naxals.
    • Member Parliament salaries hiked
      Parliament recently in Delhi has made a decision to increase the salaries of MPs. A hike of about rupees 35000 will be introduced in the salary of each MPs thus taking it from figures like 20,000 to 55,000 or so. Because daily allowance has an important role to play hence parliament has also decided to exactly double the allowances issued daily to each Member of Parliament. Hence daily allowance of rupees 1000 will now become 2000. This daily allowance will be issued only when the parliament session is in progress. Other than the daily allowances the official expenses for every office per month have now been considerably raised and touch a 50,000 amount. That is not all the travel and conveyance charge issued will now become 4 times which were earlier around rupees 1,00,000. Retired members will now get a monthly pension of around rupees 20,000 which was around 10,000 in the past times.
    • Commonwealth with less green
      Approximately 40,000 trees have been either felled or transplanted for Delhi’s preparation of Commonwealth Games 2010. Apart from the financial burden of creating world class infrastructure and transport facilities Delhites have to bear the loss of its green cover as the compensatory plantation cannot in any way compensate for the loss of a fully grown, mature tree.
    • Blackberry controversy
      Research in Motion (RIM), the maker of Blackberry has finally surrendered to Indian security agencies’ demand for access to their server. The company has proposed for lawful access to its services including the messenger as well as the enterprise with immediate effect and the company would have to set up a server in India if it does not work to the satisfaction of Indian agencies. The security agencies already had access to voice data, SMS and general emails sent through Blackberry devices but Blackberry email and messaging services that are highly encrypted were major concerns for the security agencies. With this understanding in place the government has decided to serve notices to Google and Skype also to fall in line.
    • Direct tax code
      The Government deferred the direct tax code(DTC) by yet another year to April 2012 causing yet another disappointment to the taxpayers. Women taxpayers suffered a bolt as the preferential treatment meted out to them earlier is now proposed to be withdrawn. Senior citizens, however, enjoy a higher exemption limit. The bill that replaces the Income Tax Act 1961 seeks an increase in exemption threshold of individuals from Rs.1.6 lakh currently to Rs.2lakh. The corporate taxes will be reduced to a flat 30%.
    • Leh hit by flood
      A cloudburst on the intervening night of August 5 and 6 has led to flash floods and mudslides in the Leh district of Jammu and Kashmir. The cloudburst and the following floods have claimed over 175 lives and injured about 400 people, besides causing widespread damage to public and private property. The worst hit Chuglamsar has just turned into debris all over.
    • More rich than poor Indians
      National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) has estimated in its report, “How India Earns, Spends and Saves”, that despite the economic slowdown of the last three years, the number of high-income households in India has exceeded the number of low-income households. Households with high income or earnings have grown by over 3.7% in total and now touch the mark of around 21%. That is not all also the households with low income sources have fallen by around 3.2% and gone down to a mark of 18%.
    • CWG Anthem
      When everything is being prepared for the common wealth coming up in October then how could Music maestro A R Rahman stay away from it. Yes, the musician has launched the theme song for the Commonwealth Games 2010 that has the best lyrics covering khelo oh yaaro,,jeeto oh yaaro. During the launch of this theme song honorable Chief Minister Shiela Dixit, Bhupinder Singh Hooda and OC Chairman Suresh Kalmadi were present in the ceremony.
    • CWG breeding mosquitoes
      The fingers are already crossed and people fear further delay in the common wealth problems. When the earlier hurdles are not getting removed and new problems are coming into view. The sincere attention is being drawn by the mosquitoes breeding in various dumps. Because of heavy rainfall in the country water is collected in almost every venue and mosquitoes have converted these venues into their favorite breeding places and are increasing the fear of dengue disease.
    • Yet another marine disaster
      A foreign cargo ship MV Khalijia-111 which collided with MSC Chitra which was carrying about 1,200 containers with over 266 tonnes of fuel about 10 km off Mumbai harbour has spilled oil into the Mumbai seas. The collision tilted MSC Chitra vessel causing 300 containers carrying oil to tumble into the Mumbai waters creating a thick oil slick two to three kms around the vessel Chitra causing a serious threat to the marine life.
    • India’s Independence
      August 15th, 2010 India celebrated the 63rd anniversary of its independence.
    • IBM Number two employer
      IBM is the second largest private sector employer in India after TCS . The company has more than one lakh people on its rolls.
    Current Affairs - July 2010
    • Noose tightening for Politicos in Sohrab case
      Sohrab case getting murkier with CBI stepping up pressure on top Gujarat IPS Officers P.C.Pande, O.P.Mathur and Geeta Johri for their suspected involvement in scuttling the probe at the behest of former Gujarat Minister of State for home Amit Shah. Two Rajasthan BJP leaders Gulabchand Kataria and Om Mathur are also facing the CBI heat.
      Sohrabuddin Sheikh was killed in a fake encounter and his wife who was a witness to her husband’s abduction was also later eliminated. The agency is investigating the police-politico nexus behind the killings.
    • Chidambaram confident of overcoming maoist problem in three years
      Addressing a meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee for the ministry of home affairs, P Chidambaram informed that in a meeting of chief ministers of seven Naxal-affected states on July 14, a decision of unified command was agreed to namely in– West Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand — for anti-Naxal operations. A two-pronged strategy of initiating development and police action in the affected areas was designed to overcome Maoist problem after consultations with the Naxal-affected states
    • Grooming for a succession?
      Noel Tata, chairman Ratan Tata’s brother has been installed as the chairman and CEO of Tata Investment Corp and the MD in Tata International while relinquishing his executive position in Trent Ltd within the last two months. There is speculation that these moves are in line with the group’s succession plan for top job i.e. the Chairmanship of Tata Sons in 2012 when Ratan Tata steps down.
    • Applaud or embarrassment?
      According to top sources from Central Vigilance Commission, fake certificates were being routinely issued to pass substandard work and material to the vendors of Commonwealth Games 2010 leading to huge gains for the contractors and vendors. All these certificates were issued without ground verification or technical examination. The compromise, herein, in the quality of materials and workmanship poses a serious threat to the sports personnel from countries all over the world lending a shameful picture of India and hence jeopardizing our ability to host such events in the future.
    • Valley stir
      Following the imposition of curfew in wake of the protest by Syed Ali Geelani demanding the release of dozens of arrested separatist leaders, violence was triggered in the valley due to a spate of civilian killings by security personnel leading to an indefinite curfew being clamped in Srinagar. Educational institutions, shops, post offices, banks, public transport and other business establishments were closed as a precautionary measure. The protests are part of the separatists’ ‘Quit Kashmir’ programme.
    Current AffairsJune 2010
    • In the Global Peace Index 2010, India ranked at 128.
    • 2010 Failed State Index- Somalia top the list followed by Zimbabwe, Sudan & Chad. India is ranked at 87 place out of 177 countries. Norway in ranked at the bottom of the list.
    • President Rule imposed in Jharkhand.
    • Amar Singh launches a new party ‘Akhil Bhartiya Lok Manch’.
    • South African president Jacob Zuma visited India.
    • Turkmenistan President Gurbaguly Bardimuhamedov visited India.
    • Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited India. India signed 7 pacts with Sri Lanka. India will assist in building 50000 houses in the northen & eastern provinces of Sri Lanka.
    • Bangladesh Govt has requested to rename the train linking West Bengal to Tripura via Banglades as ‘ Sonar Tori’. Earlier the name of the train as envisaged in the Railway Budget 2010 is ‘Epar Bangla Opar Bangla’. Sonar Tori is a collection of poems written by Rabindranath Tagore, whose 150th birth anniversary is being celebrated in 2010.
    • Maharastra will become first state in the country to have a real estate regulatory authority.
    • BWA- Broadband Wireless Access. The BWA spectrum was auctioned by the Govt. BWA Spectrum is essential for rolling out WiMAX services enabling hand held devices and laptops to access Intranet. It will allow firms to offer high speed Net, Web telephony & TV Services. The govt fixed Rs.1750 crore as base rate for BWA license. The auction was held for 117 rounds and in 16 days. Rs.12848 crore was the pan India BWA license price which was won by Infotel Broadband services ( in all 22 circles). The Govt auctioned the BWA license for a total of Rs.38,543 crore. Mumbai had the highest bid of Rs.2293 crore followed by Delhi with Rs.2241 crore respectively.
    • India signed Civil Nuclear agreement with Canada. The agreement was signed by Manmohan Singh and Canada’s PM Stephen Harper. Canada is the 8th nation to enter into such an agreement with India. Canada served nuclear ties with India in 1974 when India conducted its first nuclear test at Pokhran in 1974. India’s nuclear power programme is based on the CANDU ( Canada Deuterium Uranium) reactor.
    • India become a full fledged member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a 34 member inter governmental body that devises policies at both national & international levels to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. FATF membership will enable Indian authorities to access information on suspect accounts in nations such as Switzerland & UK. India become its 34th member.
    Current Affairs – May 2010
    • Naxalites killed 47 people in a landmine blast between Dantewada and Sukma in Chattisgarh.
    • Test fire of nuclear capable Agni-II missile was successfully carried out from Wheeler Island off the coast of Orissa on 17th May. Agni II has a range of 2000Km. It is 20m long two stage solid propelled ballistic missile. It was developed by Advanced System Laboratories alongwith DRDO & Bharat Dynamics Ltd.
    • Supreme Court in a recent judgement upheld a rule that allows the adjustment of reserved category candidate SC/ST/OBC against their quota seats even if they manage to qualify an examination for govt services on merit.
    • National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is the monitoring authority for the Right to Education Act which became effective from April 1, 2010.
    Current Affairs – April 2010
    • Naxals killed about 75 CRPF personal at Chintalnar-Tarmetla village in Dantewada distt ,Chhattisgarh. Government appoint E.N. Rammohan, to probe the incident.
    • Uninque Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) now known as Aadhaar. It’s Chairman is Nandan Nilekani. It will assign 16 digit identification number to all residents in India.
    • NTRO- National Technical Research Organisation. The organization came to limelight after allegation of phone tapping of politicians.
    • Indian navy commissioned India’s first indigenously built stealth warship ‘ INS Shivalik’. The other stealth warship to be built are named as ‘INS Sahyadri’ and INS Satpura’.
    • Right To Education Act is notified and will become a legally enforceable from 1 April 2010. Key features of RTE Act are : All children in 6-14 age group must get free and compulsory eduction; No child shall be held back,expelled or required to pass a board examination till Class VIII; There must be 25 % reservation for poor children even in private & minority schools; There must be one teacher for every 30 students; A child rights commission will look into violations of the RTE law.
    • Govt start Census 2011. It is the 15th Census. It is in two phase. The first phase is called –House listing & Housing Census and the second phase is called decadal headcount which will be held in Feb 2011. The Registrar General of India is C Chandramouli.
    Current Affairs – March 2010
    • Govt launched National Mission for Empowerment of Women aimed at inter-sectoral convergence of all pro- women programmes.
    • Constitution 108th Amendment Bill 2008 commonly known as women’s reservation bill was passed by Rajya Sabha by 186 in favour 1 against 39 abstained (Current strength of Rajya Sabha is 233). The bill seeks to reserve a third of the seats on the Lok Sabha and state assemblies for 15 years on a rotational basis. It was first introduced in 1996. Sharad Joshi, an independent MP is the only MP which cast vote against the bill. In the present Lok Sabha, there are 59 women MPs out of 543 MPs. Total MLAs in 29 state assemblies in India are 4093.
    • Yamunanagar (Haryana) and Vishakhapatnam (AP) are choosen for a pilot project on saving household energy by replacing incandescent lamps with CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps).
    • Earth Hour 2010 has been celebrated on 27 March organized by World Wide Fund for Nature, India. Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru are official Earth Hour Cities among 15 Indian cities.
    • Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia visit India in March 2010.
    • Supreme Court allowed religion based 4 % reservations in Govt jobs & educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh. It extended the benefit to 14 OBC in muslims in the state. The matter is further referred to Constitutional bench of Supreme Court.
    • ’Bold Kurushetra’ a joint armour exercise between India and Singapore was held at Jhansi(UP).
    • Prohibition of unfair practices in technical, medical educational institutions & universities Bill is passed by Govt. It provided for 3 year imprisonment and a fine of upto Rs 50 lakh for higher education providers guilty of misleading students.
    • Govt approved Foreign Educational Institution (Regulation of Entry & Operation) Bill 2010. It provides foreign universities to set up campuses in India.
    • Govt amends Anti Hijacking Act 1982. It now provides for death sentence to the hijackers.
    • Govt starts the scheme for creation of the National Population Register (NPR) of Indian residents. The project will cover an estimated 1.2 billion people and total cost of the project will be Rs. 3539.24 crore.
    • India became 1st country in the world to have a ‘manoeuvrable’ supersonic cruise missile, when it successfully test fired 290 km range Brahmos missile.
    • Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu visit India in March 2010.
    Current Affairs – February 2010
    • Kirit Parikh committee , set up to review petro pricing regime, submit its recommendation. Its major recommendation are to deregulate the prices of petrol & diesel as per market prices, reduce the subsidy on LPG.
    • India signed a Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with the UK, which became the 8th country to enter into such a pact, since the lifting of atomic trade embargo in 2008.
    • Govt set up a panel under the Chairmanship of former Justice B N Srikrishna which would consider the demand for splitting Andhra Pradesh.
    • India and Denmark signed a social security pact which will relieve their workers from double taxation and provide for cooperation in areas of labour market expansion and orderly migration.
    • Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits Saudi Arabia in Feb 2010. He was the first Indian PM in 28 years to visit the gulf country. Saudi Arabia is India’s largest supplier of crude oil ( 23 %) followed by Iran ( 17 %) and Nigeria ( 11 %). India is offering upto 10 % equity to Saudi petroleum firm Saudi Aramco in a refinery being built in Orissa. PM addressed the Shoura council of Saudi Arabia.
    • Constitution 111th Amendment – Proposes to incorporate a new Part ( Part IX B) in the Constitution so as to provide for legal framework to regulate the functioning of cooperative societies. A new Article ( Article 43 B) is also proposed to be inserted in Part IV of the Constitution (Directive Principles of State Policy) for the States to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning of cooperative societies.
    • Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2009 commonly known as Nuclear Liability Bill will be introduced by Govt in Parliament in Winter session 2010. The draft bill aims at limiting the liability of a nuclear plant operator to Rs. 300 crore in the eventuality of an accident. The bill provides for the penalty to be paid by the operator and not the supplier companies which would mainly be American in this case. India has entered into civil nuclear cooperation agreement with eight countries so far.
    Current Affairs – January 2010
    • Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visit India in Jan 2010. She belongs to Awami League Party. The two countries signed five agreements – on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, on transfer of sentenced persons and on combating international terrorism, organized crime & illicit drug trafficking besides MOU on cooperation in the power sector and on cultural exchanges. India give Bangladesh a $ 1 billion line of credit, the biggest it has given to any country so far.
    • South Korea President Lee Myung Bak visit India in Jan 2010. The two countries decided to double the bilateral trade to $ 30 billion by 2014. Four facts were signed between two countries – cooperation in peaceful use of outer space, IT, science & technology for the year 2010-12 and transfer of sentenced persons. South Korean President was also the chief guest at 2010 Republic Day Parade.
    • Gujarat Local Authorities Law (amendment) Bill 2009- The Bill makes it the duty of a qualified voter to vote during elections to local bodies. Voting is compulsory, but the Bill allows voters to cast their vote in favour of none of the candidates. Election officers will declare those who fail to vote defaulter, and serve them a notice.
    • India and China has decided to start joint military exercise from 2011.
    • Najib Razak, Malaysia Prime Minister visit India in Jan 2010.
    • Govt launched Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission. Key highlights of the mission are :
      • To create an enabling policy framework for the deployment of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2020.
      • To create favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capability for indigenous production and market leadership.
      • To promote programmes for off grid applications, reaching 1000 MW by 2017 and 2000 MW by 2022.
      • To achieve 15 million sq. meters solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20 million by 2022.
      • To deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022.
    • New Governors appointed : a) M K Narayanan – West Bengal, b)Shivraj Patil – Punjab, c) Mohsina Kidwai – Jharkhand, d) Shekhar Dutt – Chhattisgarh, e) E S L Narasimhan – Andhra Pradesh.
    • Govt plans to create a National Gas Highway Development Authority. The present Gas Pipeline Density in India is 3.29 Km per 1000 Sq.Km.
    • Govt plans to set up a National Green Tribunal to control Carbon Emissions and pollution. It will be responsible for implementing the low carbon roadmap to be set forth in the 12th Five Year Plan.